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Benefits of SLS

Reading Practice icon

Reading Practice

SLS provides easy and effortless reading practice everytime you turn on a video.

Language Learning icon

Language Learning

Home languages can be preseved by adding SLS to AV content.

Media Accessibility icon

Media Accessibility

Entertaiment and Education for all.

SLS - A Brilliant Solution for Girls and Women

For a literacy solution to work for G&W, it must not disrupt their lives in significant ways. Thus, Same Language Subtitling (SLS) on TV and other entertainment content is an easy way to make reading an integral part of their everyday lives. Through SLS, reading practice becomes part of something that they already do i.e. watching TV.

SLS Impact


Women make for 60% (600 millions) of the total weak readers in India. The implementation of SLS for most women would mean, a resource for consistent reading practice thus improving their literacy levels.


The advocacy for the last two decades along with other rights based groups have contributed to media accessibility mandate using SLS captioning, Audio Description under RPWD (Rights of Persons with Disability) and more.


There are on-going conversations with state governments to bring SLS to each state which would help in language preservation and the state's literacy quality.

System Change Story


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