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You read what you hear

SLS on entertainment content means viewers read what they hear.

Hindi subtitles on Hindi videos, Tamil on Tamil videos, and so on.

This simple idea ensures effortless reading practice while being entertained. That means, 1 hour of television = reading pages like in a book!

Two hours of TV with SLS is equivalent to reading two young adult books

We bet that once SLS is on, reading is inescapable. Various eye-tracking research studies prove that too! Watching just one movie could mean exposure to around 14,000 words. On an average, most of India watches 2 hours of TV everyday.

How SLS works 1
How SLS works 2
How SLS works 3
How SLS works 4

Billion Readers - A System Change Possibility

We are working with Ministries and governing bodies in the film industry to bring the entertainment content to ‘Video = Audio + Visuals + Accessibility Features’ at the time of production and certification itself.


This transition from AV to AVT (where T stands for ‘text’ as in SLS & more) is primarily a policy, regulation, and standardization task.

Billion Readers - A System Change Possibility

We are working with Ministries and governing bodies in the film industry to bring the entertainment content to ‘Video = Audio + Visuals + Accessibility Features’ at the time of production and certification itself.


This transition from AV to AVT (where T stands for ‘text’ as in SLS & more) is primarily a policy, regulation, and standardization task.

Entertainment for all

India is home to an estimated 6.8 crore Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH). Despite this scale, the entertainment content viewing experiences in India have failed to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities. We imagine a world of entertainment where language is not the barrier to have fun and SLS can make that happen. SLS is an inclusive solution that works for people with deafness and hard of hearing. Bringing SLS on TV & OTT would make TV accessible for DHH.

SLS means inclusion

AI for SLS

In collaboration with technology leaders like IIT-Madras, we are building an AI-engine that can offer high accuracy of speech-to-text tools in regional languages. These tools will bring the cost of implementing SLS to almost zero in long term.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
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